How do I Sign in and/or Sign out of my account ?
Here's how you can Sign In once you have created an account:
On Desktop
1. Go to the ifndautoparts website
2. In the top menu bar, select the "Sign in" button
Phone: Enter the phone number and password you used to register. Then select the "Sign in" button
Email: Select the Email Button and then enter your email and password. Then select the "Sign in" button.
Facebook or Google: Look for the Sign in options at the bottom of the page, choose your method, and follow the prompts.
On App
1. Open the App
2. Select the "Sign in" button
Phone: Enter the phone number and password you used to register. Then select the "Sign in" button.
Email: Select the Email Button and then enter your email and password. Then select the "Sign in" button.
Facebook or Google: Look for the Sign in options at the bottom of the page, choose your method, and follow the prompts.
Here's how you can Sign out:
On Desktop
Select "My Account" on the top right of the Menu Bar
Select "Logout"
On App
Select the Menu icon located at the bottom Menu bar
Scroll down to the bottom of the Page and select "Log Out"
You will be instantly logged out of your account on the current device.
Please note that if you're logged in on other devices, you will remain logged in until you manually logout from each of them.
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