


What is 'Make shipping free'?

What is 'Make Shipping Free'?

'Make Shipping Free' is a feature that allows sellers to offer free shipping to their buyers. When this option is selected, the seller covers the cost of shipping, ensuring that the buyer does not pay any shipping fees.


How Does 'Make Shipping Free' Work?

When you enable 'Make Shipping Free' on your listings, the following happens:

  1. Seller Covers Shipping Costs:

    • The buyer will see that shipping is free at checkout.
    • As the seller, you will be responsible for paying the shipping fees once the item is sold.
  2. Payment Process:

    • After the buyer completes the purchase, you will need to pay for the shipping through the platform.
    • The shipping cost will be calculated based on the carrier and shipping method selected by the seller and is calculated based off the buyers location.
    • After the buyer checks out the seller will receive a notification to purchase the shipping through the platform based of the carrier selected at listing creation.
  3. Advantages for Sellers:

    • Increased Appeal: Listings with free shipping are more attractive to buyers, potentially increasing your sales.
    • Competitive Edge: Offering free shipping can give you a competitive edge over other sellers who do not offer this benefit.
    • Simplified Buying Process: Buyers appreciate the simplicity of not having to calculate additional shipping costs, which can lead to quicker purchasing decisions.
  4. How to Enable 'Make Shipping Free':

    • During the listing creation process, navigate to the shipping options section.
    • Select the 'Make Shipping Free' checkbox.
    • Ensure you account for the shipping cost in your item price to maintain your desired profit margin.
  5. Important Considerations:

    • Cost Management: Be mindful of the shipping costs and ensure they do not significantly impact your profit margins.
    • Carrier Selection: Choose the most cost-effective shipping method that balances cost and delivery time.
    • Transparency: Clearly communicate the free shipping offer in your listing.

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