How do I update my Shipping Address ?
To update your shipping address in your account, follow these steps:
On App
Sign in to your account.
Select Menu from the bottom navigation bar
Select Profile Details
Navigate to the Shipping Address section
To add a new shipping address, tap on the box and start typing the new address. Multiple addresses can be added.
To delete old addresses, locate the specific address and tap on the "X" in the corner.
Select Save to save changes
On Desktop
Sign in to your account.
Select My Account
Select My ifnd Profile
Select Profile Details
Scroll down to the Shipping Address section
To add a new shipping address, start typing the new address in the provided box. Multiple addresses can be added.
To remove old addresses, click on the "X" in the corner of each individual address.
Once you have made the necessary changes, select the Save button to save all updates to your shipping addresses
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