
Seller Fees


List for Free, Pay on Success


At ifndautoparts, we believe in simplicity and transparency. Listing your item on our platform is completely free, ensuring that you have the opportunity to reach potential buyers without upfront costs. Our commission-based model means that fees are only applied when your item sells, aligning our success with yours.


Fee Structure

When your item finds a new owner, ifndautoparts applies a straightforward 10% commission on the sale price of the item. This commission is exclusive of shipping costs, ensuring that you're only paying for the value of the item sold.


No Hidden Charges

Our commitment to transparency means that the 10% commission is the sole fee charged by ifndautoparts for utilizing our platform. However, keep in mind that transactions processed through Stripe or PayPal may incur additional fees from these payment providers. These fees are separate from our commission and vary according to the provider's policies. We recommend contacting your chosen payment provider directly for detailed information on their fees.


Fee Deduction Process

Fees are seamlessly deducted from your earnings immediately upon the completion of a sale, streamlining the process and ensuring clarity in your account balance.


Fee Refunds

In the rare event of a refund to the buyer, we ensure that fairness is maintained. Accordingly, the transaction fee associated with the sale will be fully reimbursed, provided that the refund process is conducted directly through our platform.


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