

How do I use the Inventory Tool?

The Inventory Tool is a powerful feature exclusive to business accounts, designed to streamline stock management and listing processes. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to use this tool:


Accessing the Inventory Tool
Availability: The Inventory Tool is available only for business accounts, not personal accounts. The feature is only Available on Desktop.

1. Log into you Account

2. Select 'My Account' in the top header

3. Select 'Inventory'


1. Listings Overview

  •    Layout: Listings are displayed vertically. You can scroll across to view key details for each listing.
  •    Pagination: 10 listings are visible per page. Use the pagination controls to browse through different pages of your inventory.
  •   Search: Use the search bar at the top to quickly find specific listings by typing in key information.


2. Stock Control
To adjust stock select the 'Stock Control' button on the left side of each listing. A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to add or remove stock by entering the desired quantity and clicking 'Update'. This will immediately adjust the stock level for that listing.


3. More Options

  • Edit Listing: Under 'More Options', select 'Edit' to modify the details of an existing listing.
  • Duplicate Listing: Select 'Duplicate' to create a new listing with pre-filled information from an existing one. This helps in quickly creating similar listings with necessary adjustments.
  • Generate Label: Click 'Generate Label' to download a label containing key details and a QR code for the listing. The QR code can be scanned using a camera phone or the QR reader on business accounts' Android or Apple devices. This allows for quick access to the listing for updates.
  • View Listing: Select 'View' to see how the listing appears to buyers.


4. Export Listings
  Export to XLSX: Under the 'Published' header, select 'Export to XLSX' to download your inventory list in an XLSX format. This is useful for offline inventory management and record-keeping.


5. Draft Listings
 Click the 'Draft' tab to view and manage listings that are in draft mode and awaiting publication. This helps in organizing and finalizing listings before they go live.



  • Efficiency: Streamline your inventory management with easy-to-use controls and quick access features.
  • Organization: Keep your listings organized and up-to-date with real-time stock adjustments and detailed view options.
  • Convenience: Utilize features like QR code scanning and label generation for hassle-free inventory tracking and management.

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