My item is not as described
We understand that there may be instances where you receive an item that doesn't match the seller's description. Here's a step-by-step guide on what to do if your purchase isn't quite what you expected:
Review the item listing: Start by carefully reviewing the item listing and comparing it to the item you received. Pay close attention to the item's condition, specifications, brand, model, and any other relevant details. Make sure that there is a clear discrepancy between the item's description and what you received.
Contact the seller: If you believe that the item you received is not as described, it's important to reach out to the seller. Message the seller and explain the issue. Provide specific details about the discrepancies you've identified, including supporting evidence such as photos or screenshots.
Allow for seller resolution: Sellers typically want to make things right. They might offer a return, a partial refund, or a replacement. Stay in touch and work together to find a satisfactory solution.
Review the seller's return policy: Familiarize yourself with the seller's return policy, which can be found on the item listing. Pay attention to any specific instructions or timeframes for reporting discrepancies in the item's condition. This information will guide you in initiating the return or resolution process if needed.
Document evidence: It's crucial to document any evidence related to the item's condition not being as described. Take clear photos of the item, highlighting the discrepancies, and keep any relevant messages or communication with the seller. This evidence may be useful in resolving the matter and supporting your case if further assistance is required.
If you and the seller can't see eye to eye, you may need to escalate the matter. If you paid through PayPal, you could open a dispute directly with them. For credit card payments processed by Stripe, contacting your bank to dispute the charge might be the way to go.
We encourage buyers and sellers to work together to find a mutually agreeable solution.
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