How Do I Request a Refund?
If you need to request a refund, here's how you can initiate the process:
Checking Refund Availability
Before making a purchase, review the item's returns policy. Not all Sellers will offer refunds on items so be sure to check with the seller prior to purchase. You can find this information under the "Shipping & Returns" section on the listing page. Additionally, you can access the returns policy by following these steps:
On Desktop
Sign into your Account.
Select "My Account".
Select "My Orders".
Select "View Details" on the order.
Select the listing.
Scroll to the "Shipping & Returns" section on the listing page to check Returns Policy.
On App
Open the app and sign into your Account.
Select “Menu”.
Select "My Orders".
Select "View Details" on the order.
Select the listing.
Scroll to the "Shipping & Returns" section on the listing page to check Returns Policy.
Submitting a Refund Request
Once your item has been officially delivered, you can submit a refund request if the seller allows refunds within the specified time frame. Follow these steps to request a refund:
On Desktop
Sign into your account.
Select "My Account".
Select "My Orders".
Select "View Details" on the order you would like to request a refund for.
Select the "Request Refund" button.
In the pop up select the item, qty and reason for return. Once completed select the “Send Request” Button.
On App
Sign into your account.
Select "Menu".
Select "My Orders".
Select "View Details" on the order you would like to request a refund for.
Select the "Request Refund" button.
In the pop up select the item, qty and reason for return. Once completed select the “Send Request” Button.
Return Approval and Process
Should your return request be accepted by the seller, it is important to send back the item promptly. The specifics regarding return shipping, such as who is responsible for the costs, will be directly communicated by the seller or outlined in their return policy. Upon receipt of the returned item, the seller will inspect it to determine eligibility for a refund. In some cases, the seller may need to issue a refund manually through their payment system or, depending on the item's condition and the return policy, they may decide not to issue a refund.
If your return is not approved, the seller has opted not to provide a refund. You can find the justification for this decision within their response. We encourage you to contact the seller to discuss the reasons for the refusal of the return and to see if there is an opportunity for further resolution.
Refund Timeline
Refunds are processed in accordance with the policies of the payment provider, which means the duration can vary. As soon as the seller initiates the refund the; the refund will return to your original payment method and on average takes 2 weeks but It may take up to three months for a refund to be completed. Once finalized, your order status will be updated to "Completed," and the refund will be credited to the original payment method you used for the purchase. In instances where the refund process encounters issues, we recommend contacting your payment provider for further support. They may provide additional assistance and facilitate the refund process.
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